We take concrete steps, based on robust and detailed data, in order to significantly reduce our greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions at the source.

Our climate action strategy

Intro In 2021, iA Financial Group developed a concrete climate action strategy that incorporates the recommendations of the Taskforce on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD).

Specifically, our strategy is to:

  1. Draft and disclose our Climate Change Position Statement
  2. Create a climate change task force to carry out our Towards a Carbon-Free Future project
  3. Define and implement an action plan to reduce our environmental impact

Creation of a climate change task force

To support our approach, we have set up an expert task force whose goal is to assess the situation at iA Financial Group in order to develop an action plan to achieve and improve GHG reduction targets. Areas of expertise were selected according to the services, sectors or activities with the highest potential environmental impact in terms of GHG emissions. They are:

  • Real estate investments
  • Investment portfolios
  • Information technology
  • Material resources and procurement

This group is under the responsibility of the head of investor relations, public affairs and sustainable development, who ensures organizational alignment and liaises directly with the Action Committee and the Sustainability Steering Committee.

Climate Change Position Statement

Throughout 2021, iA Financial Group worked on developing a strategy to actively support the fight against climate change.

We are proud to release our Climate Change Position Statement through which we commit to becoming a leader on climate change in North America.

As a long-term investor and insurance provider, our approach is guided by five key pillars:

  1. Reducing greenhouse gas emissions in our operations and investment portfolio
  2. Striving to fully integrate climate considerations in our investment processes
  3. Strengthening climate-related disclosure in line with TCFD recommendations and facilitating related disclosure by all companies in our investment portfolio
  4. Strengthening resilience to the physical impacts of climate change across our insurance operations
  5. Contributing to further understanding of the impacts of climate change on the insurance sector